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How to Prepare for Your Divorce Consult

So, you have decided to pursue a divorce and you’ve chosen an attorney who you want to meet with. What do you do next? Your first consultation with a divorce attorney usually involves an explanation of your legal options, an overview of the divorce process, and discussion of any specific concerns you may have. The

Top 5 Lessons Learned from 2023 Celebrity Divorces

Divorce is a difficult and emotional process that can be overwhelming for many of us. For celebrities, their divorces are often played out in the public eye, making it even more challenging. As a divorce attorney, I have considered some of the many high-profile divorces from 2023 and the lessons that can be learned from

Top Divorce Myths in Washington State

As a divorce attorney, I’ve noticed that there are a few widely held false beliefs regarding divorce laws in Washington state. Here are the most common and potentially the most dangerous for those headed for a divorce: Washington is a 50/50 State This is false! Washington is a “community property” state but this does not

Should You Arbitrate Your Family Law Dispute?

Is arbitration the right forum for your divorce or family law dispute? Arbitration can be an alternative to using a court to resolve your family law matter. It is a private proceeding that will likely take place in an office or online and tends to be less formal than court proceedings. The arbitrator is often

Getting a Divorce? Don’t Make These Common Mistakes!

Going through a divorce can be incredibly stressful.  Save yourself additional upset by doing your best to avoid: Listening to the Wrong People.  Make sure to do your research and choose the right attorney; then be sure to listen to and follow what that attorney says.  It can be hard to ignore the personal divorce


In Washington State, couples going through divorce are required to attend a mediation in an attempt to settle the case before trial, unless excused for reasons such as domestic violence. As a divorce attorney, I have prepared hundreds of clients for mediation.  I have also served as a mediator in many family law cases.  Below

A Primer on Community vs. Separate Property in Washington State

As a divorce lawyer in Washington State, it is common for new clients to come in to our first meeting with the understanding that Washington is a community property state and believing that this means all property and debts are split right down the middle, 50/50.  While this is often a good place to start


A divorce can be a very public affair. In Washington State, divorce filings are generally publicly available documents. For many divorcing spouses with a high net worth, maintaining financial privacy is a primary concern. For other divorcing spouses, it may be the “dirty laundry” that they want to keep private. This is especially true if

Let’s Talk About Divorce: Six Places Your Spouse Might be Hiding Assets

Occasionally, a spouse preparing to go through divorce may attempt to hide assets in order to avoid disclosing and sharing those assets with their soon-to-be ex.  If you’re worried your spouse may be hiding assets, here are six places you should be sure to check: Bogus Debt Payoffs Did your mother-in-law gift you the down