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Eight Things to Consider if You Want to Sell Your Business

Selling a business is a significant milestone. Whether you’re moving on to new ventures, retiring, or simply cashing in on your hard work, the process involves more than just finding a buyer and cashing a check. Selling your business is a complex process that requires careful planning, due diligence, and legal consideration. Here are a

The Nuts and Bolts of Appeals: Preservation, Prejudice, and Presentation

Why Appeal at All? People appeal their case because they want a better outcome then what they received at trial.  Maybe that means that the appealing party lost a jury verdict, or felt that they didn’t “win” enough at trial.  Perhaps someone in a divorce trial receives 55% of the assets but no spousal support

What Does the Corporate Transparency Act Mean to Me and My Business?

A few years ago, Congress passed the Corporate Transparency Act, 31 U.S.C. 5336 (“CTA”), which established certain required information filings with the U.S. Treasury Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”).  The purpose of the CTA is to create a national database of companies in the U.S. that identifies the people behind the companies (both owners and

Washington State Paid Sick Leave Updates for 2024

Paid sick and other leave benefits are changing in 2024. Construction workers, other than workers solely working in residential building construction, who do not reach the minimum 90 days of employment with a particular employer to be eligible to use paid sick leave will now be paid their accrued, but unused sick leave benefits following

Breaches of Fiduciary Duties in Closely Held Companies

In Washington State, closely held companies are those in which the ownership is concentrated among a small number of shareholders. These companies may also be family-owned or held by a group of individuals who have a relationship with one another beyond just being co-owners. While these companies may have a different dynamic than public corporations,

Legal Concerns of Real Estate in the Metaverse: Navigating the Virtual Frontier

The concept of the metaverse, a virtual world where users interact with digital environments and each other in immersive ways, has gained significant attention in recent years. With advancements in virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies, the metaverse is becoming more accessible and has the potential to revolutionize various industries, including real estate.

Your AI Can Testify Against You: The AI Revolution Comes to the Court of Law

On February 2, 2023, Microsoft released a brand-new suite of features for its popular Microsoft Teams platform under the moniker “Microsoft Teams Premium.”[1]  One of the standout features of this premium service is “Intelligent Recap,” a software feature powered by the headline-news-generating ChatGPT AI system. Using ChatGPT, Intelligent Recap will “automatically generate[]meeting notes, recommended tasks,