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The Nuts and Bolts of Appeals: Preservation, Prejudice, and Presentation

Why Appeal at All? People appeal their case because they want a better outcome then what they received at trial.  Maybe that means that the appealing party lost a jury verdict, or felt that they didn’t “win” enough at trial.  Perhaps someone in a divorce trial receives 55% of the assets but no spousal support

Breaches of Fiduciary Duties in Closely Held Companies

In Washington State, closely held companies are those in which the ownership is concentrated among a small number of shareholders. These companies may also be family-owned or held by a group of individuals who have a relationship with one another beyond just being co-owners. While these companies may have a different dynamic than public corporations,


In Washington State, couples going through divorce are required to attend a mediation in an attempt to settle the case before trial, unless excused for reasons such as domestic violence. As a divorce attorney, I have prepared hundreds of clients for mediation.  I have also served as a mediator in many family law cases.  Below

Your AI Can Testify Against You: The AI Revolution Comes to the Court of Law

On February 2, 2023, Microsoft released a brand-new suite of features for its popular Microsoft Teams platform under the moniker “Microsoft Teams Premium.”[1]  One of the standout features of this premium service is “Intelligent Recap,” a software feature powered by the headline-news-generating ChatGPT AI system. Using ChatGPT, Intelligent Recap will “automatically generate[]meeting notes, recommended tasks,