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“Nesting” During Divorce: Is Nesting Right for My Family?

“Nesting” is a custody arrangement where, rather than having children move between homes, the children stay in the family home and the parents move back and forth and alternate living there. While it may sound appealing, nesting can be challenging in practice. Here are some considerations for divorcing parents thinking about before agreeing or committing

Dating Apps and Divorce

Dating apps are the most popular place to find people to date.[1] As a divorce attorney, I hear many anecdotes from clients or former clients who met their new partner on a dating app. However, there are a few considerations people getting divorced should keep in mind when deciding whether to get on the apps:

Does My Child Have a Say in the Final Parenting Plan?

When a divorcing parent asks this question, their attorney might respond with the common saying, “Children have a voice, not a choice.” In Washington state, the extent to which a child’s voice is heard in establishing a final parenting plan depends on several factors. First, in determining the residential schedule, the wishes of a child

Should I Hire a Divorce Attorney or Represent Myself?

Family courts regularly hear a number of cases involving parties who decide to represent themselves rather than hire an attorney. These parties are known as “pro se” litigants (meaning “for oneself” in Latin). If you are deciding whether to represent yourself or hire an attorney in your family law case, here are some considerations: Pro

Surviving the Holidays While Going Through a Divorce

The holiday season can exacerbate certain challenges for those going through a divorce. However, if you are mindful of these challenges, you can prepare for them so that you can still find time to get much needed rest. Here are some tips for surviving the holidays this year: Plan ahead for holiday spending If you

Financial Documents to Gather for Your Divorce

Managing personal finances is stressful, and many people are glad to let their spouse take the lead on paying bills, filing taxes, managing investments and the like. However, when preparing for divorce, you should have a good understanding of your finances, including your and your spouse’s income, as well as your assets and liabilities. One