News Author: Emily Husa
Discovery: Civil Litigation’s Fact Finding Mission Part 2 – Requests for Production
In part 2 of our discussion of the fact finding process in civil litigation we are going to look at “requests for production”—a form of “discovery” that you should be prepared for as part of a civil lawsuit. If you missed Part 1 on Interrogatories, a common form of discovery that often accompanies requests for
ALERT: New Washington Supreme Court Ruling on Noncompete Agreements
Recently, the Washington Supreme Court held that noncompete agreements for employees earning less than twice the minimum wage must be reasonable and narrowly construed. The court found that prohibiting employees from providing any kind of assistance to competitors exceeds the statutory duty of loyalty that an employee owes to their employer. RCW 49.62.070 limits a
The Rules of Washington Noncompetition Agreements Have Changed
As of June 2024, the legal parameters of Washington noncompetition agreements were refined by the passing of Substitute Senate Bill 5935. The bill, which passed by the Legislature in February and was signed into law by Governor Jay Inslee in March, took effect on June 6, 2024. Amending five provisions of RCW 49.62, the new